Pepul is a positive social media app with privacy-first from Tamil Nadu, India which was launched on January 26, 2022. Founded by, Mr Suresh Kumar G, well-known in It Industry. He is also the winner of the world’s most valuable developers and Intel Black Belts. Having a strong determination to bring up a privacy-first social media platform, Pepul is the world’s first and safest social network app to offer a KYC verification process with a blue tick to all users at zero cost, unlike Twitter.

Pepul, a platform for both the creators and the users, is excited to announce that it has reached a new peak in creators’ paid subscription numbers. Just for comparison to achieve 1 million users Facebook took 10 months, Instagram took 2.5 months, iPhone took 74 days, Pepul took 78 days for 1 million users.

Adding to the record of 2 million downloads within a year, and onboarding thousands of creators in the shortest period, now the company has reached a new milestone. In the past 6 weeks, the number of subscriptions for the content creators in the Pepul app has exploded, with a new record number of paid subscriptions for creators crossing 10,000 during the second week of December.

Apart from being a unique social media network to offer monetary benefits to both the creators as well as the users with a focus on safety and positivity, the Pepul app is also a market disruptor in India by creating a platform to offer an exclusive creators subscription model where the 100% of the creators revenue is directed to the creators, unlike the other platforms.

Having created a unique revenue model for creators, Pepul is striving to become the ultimate destination for content creators who are looking to grow their audience, monetize and earn real value for their work. With a strong focus on innovation and user experience, the company is anticipating its growth by supporting and genuinely rewarding the next generation of creators in exhibiting their skills and talents.

Users are able to consume great contents without any ads and also no need to worry while giving it to kids as the platform has strong content moderation and priorities for people safety and privacy.

Pepul is backed by Gans of hourglass ventures, Girish founder of freshworks, Vijay founder of a Paytm. Pepul is eyeing to raise funds for Series A which will help it vision to increase its creators, it’s revenue and expansion in other languages in 2023

Pepul is excited to see what the future holds and looks forward to supporting more creators through more such numbers in the paid subscriptions as they grow and succeed on the platform.

Visit for more information.

When it comes to Workplace Success, Emotional Intelligence has been shown to be just as important as IQ or Intelligence Quotient, education, and work experience.

Mind Plus Healthcare with their state-of-the-art healthcare services at par with international standards hosted an event for all the leaders in healthcare administration on 24th December 2022 at Mind Plus Retreat, Ludhiana, Punjab to focus on building a progressive system of care governed by Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence in leadership. The event titled ‘Redefining Healthcare with Mindful Leadership’ was attended by various eminent heads of hospitals and administration staff from different hospitals of Ludhiana such as Mohandai Oswal Hospital, Deep Hospital, Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Suman Hospital, SKSS Hospital, Rajwant Hospital & Om Eye Hospital.

The event was marked open by a lamp lighting ceremony by the following esteemed employees of Mind Plus, Dr. Pankaj (Senior Consultant Psychiatrist) and Ms. Saumya Sharan (Clinical Psychologist), Mr. A. S Sidhu (Head of Operations & Quality), Sufia Nusrat (Head Clinical Psychologist), and welcoming of the guests by Ms. Anjali (HR Executive)

The event started with an introductory speech by Ms. Mansimran, a psychologist at Mind Plus on the discussion around challenges faced by leaders in healthcare setups and how these were managed which was followed by a rich and insightful discussion wherein different perspectives were discussed on managing these challenges. Some of the challenges that came up were: a lack of trust in hospital authorities, rushing through the discharge process, and disagreement over various aspects among others.

The introductory speech was followed by a comprehensive and elaborate presentation by Dr. Pankaj on Stress in leadership including its manifestation and management with a focus on the general understanding of stress, which has become a common household name. The event also involved answering queries on the disease by Dr. Pankaj on the need to and various ways to manage stress, especially as leaders in healthcare, which were asked by the audience.

The presentation then proceeded to a rich discussion about the role of concepts like Mindfulness (which involves focusing on the present moment) and Emotional Intelligence or the skills required to manage emotions, be aware of them, understand others and make effective decisions as a way to lead effectively in healthcare, by Ms. Saumya Sharan. The presentation also involved a brief Mindfulness practice which was received well by the audience. During the presentation, Ms. Saumya emphasized dealing with crisis situations through responding rather than reacting and the much-needed human skills of Emotional Management, understanding the perspective of another person and working on the well-being of the self in order to deal more effectively as leaders in the healthcare setup. The event also involved answering queries on the disease by Ms. Saumya on the role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence and conceptual clarification regarding the same.

A keynote was delivered by Dr. Kunal Kala, (Medical Director and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Mind Plus Healthcare ) on the role of Happiness and Mental Fitness, as essential elements for a successful, productive, and fulfilling life and cited examples from his stay in London as a consultant Psychiatrist. Dr. Kala also emphasized the negativity bias that we have as humans and the need to cultivate resilience, an attitude of gratitude and Mental Fitness though elements of Mindfulness (which can be incorporated through bite-sized practices of a few minutes) and practicing skills of Emotional Intelligence in everyday life.

The event involved discussion around various research studies citing the importance of Emotional Quotient and being “present” as elements of life success, backed by research globally. The team at Mind Plus Healthcare plans to host this one-of-a-kind event more in the future and make the concept of including Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence in Leadership an ongoing process, as confirmed by Dr. Kunal Kala among others.

The event was received well by the Leaders and Administrative Staff in the healthcare sector and everyone who was part of the event. It led to the formation of a comprehensive idea about the need to incorporate principles of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence with promising clarity on its various aspects for effective leadership in the healthcare domain. The event was a fruitful and enriching experience for all those who were a part of it. The presentation and open house discussions were then followed by a vote of thanks by Ms. Sufia Nusrat and then a networking lunch for all the esteemed participants.

Mind Plus Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. Is Punjab’s first state-of-the-art NABH accredited Psychiatry Hospital treating patients with Psychiatric disorders & deaddiction. To know more about Mind Plus visit