Revelation Prophecies and Their Fulfillment Revealed… Over 7,000 Participants Including 1,000 Pastors

Chairman Lee Man-hee: “Perceive Revelation and Teach It to Your Church Members”

European Pastors in Attendance: “We Want to Learn Revelation”… Expectation for Church Revival Through Continuous Exchange

“The teachings that explain the Book of Revelation were truly profound and amazing. I want to learn more about the Bible, and if invited to Korea, I will start preparing my ticket (airfare) right away.”

This was the impression shared by Pastor Delly Delphin Matondo of the Full Gospel denomination, who participated in the Bible Seminar held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Lee Man-hee; hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church) in Paris, France on June 15 (local time).

Many other pastors who attended the European Bible Seminar also expressed a strong desire to hear more about Shincheonji Church’s teachings on the Book of Revelation.

The seminar took place at a critical time when measures were urgently needed as Europe’s Christian influence declined, with churches being sold off and repurposed as restaurants, bars, and clubs. This Bible Seminar was part of the “2024 Continental Bible Seminar” series that began in the Philippines on April 20, and was organized in response to numerous requests from pastors eager for a revival in Europe.

With over 7,000 participants, including 1,000 European pastors, the event garnered significant attention. Prior to the seminar, a discussion on “The Role of Pastors for the Spiritual Enlightenment of Christians Today” was held.

Overview of the Continental Word Seminar held in Paris, France on the 15th (local time).

Following this, attendees watched a video lecture by Chairman Lee Man-hee from the “Shincheonji Bible Seminar: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation” held in Korea on June 8.

In his lecture, Chairman Lee stated, “God’s work is fulfilled according to the unalterable Book of Revelation. Everyone listening to this lecture must know who is being referred to in Revelation,” emphasizing, “I hope all pastors will perceive these words and teach them to their congregants. You must teach your church members without adding or subtracting from Revelation.”

After Chairman Lee’s lecture, Simon Tribe Leader Lee Seung-joo provided an explanation of the meaning of biblical prophecies and their fulfillment, addressing European pastors with an appeal.

Tribe Leader Lee stated, “The fulfilled words of Revelation have life in them, and as more people are re-created in God’s image and likeness through these words, (European churches) will also experience revival. I encourage you to learn and testify from Revelation chapters 1 to 22 through Shincheonji Church’s Zion Christian Mission Center, which has produced over 100,000 graduates annually in recent years.”

During subsequent exchanges among pastors, a pastor from Austria commented, “I was impressed that Shincheonji Church focuses on the prophetic words written in the Bible. I want to work with enthusiastic and bright people for God’s kingdom and work. I would like to know how to collaborate and learn more about Revelation.”

A pastor from Poland also remarked, “Seeing European pastors and believers united brought tears to my eyes. I want to share these words with more people. Please tell me how I can spread this message to many others.”

According to data from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in the United States, Europe’s Christian population increased to 560 million in the 2000s but has stagnated this year (2024) and is expected to decrease to 490 million by 2050.

As European society modernized and industrialized, it began to secularize. The rise of liberal theology led to a decline in Bible-based teachings within churches. Additionally, the rapid rise of atheism and religious pluralism, coupled with various clergy scandals, has caused Christianity to lose trust and struggle to find its direction. It is hoped that this Bible Seminar will serve as a catalyst for the revival of European churches.

A representative from Shincheonji Church stated, “After this Bible Seminar, many European pastors have inquired about how they can learn Revelation from Shincheonji Church. We are preparing places and programs where they can learn, and we will further activate Zion Christian Mission Centers across Europe to expand platforms for their education.”

The representative also mentioned, “Pastors worldwide have requested additional Bible Seminars to learn more about Revelation. We are planning and preparing a Bible Seminar at the end of this year to invite pastors from around the world to Korea. Through this event, we aim to create a platform where we can become one within God and His word.”

Meanwhile, according to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, as of June 5th this year, MOUs have been signed with a total of 12,538 churches in 83 countries overseas. Additionally, 1,341 churches in 41 countries have joined Shincheonji Church of Jesus and changed their signage. Furthermore, as of the end of May, the number of domestic and international pastors currently taking Bible education courses at Zion Christian Mission Center has reached 5,614.

Chairman Lee Man-hee: ‘My mission is to testify to the events of Revelation as I have heard and seen them.’

Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee delivers a powerful and confident lecture on Revelation in the Philippines ‘Testimony on fulfilled realities of Revelation’ explained logically and in order. Local attendees poured out applause, moved by the message.

“It is the mission of this person (Chairman Lee Man-hee) to convey what has been seen and heard from the events of Revelation chapters 1 to 22. What I have seen and heard, what I have touched and what exists in reality, is what I am here to share with you. Now is not the time to say anything and simply agree with ‘Amen’. You must understand the era of reality. It is the era when promises have been fulfilled.”

In an indoor lecture hall in the Philippines, applause filled the space, which seemed to seat thousands at first glance. The strong voice and confident lecture coming from a small stature,

Which seemed unlikely for someone well over ninety, made expressions so simple even a child could understand. In an instant, the atmosphere heated up intensely. The person who made this happen was none other than Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, Chairman Lee Man-hee.

  • Chairman Lee introduces himself first, like the prophets

On the 20th of April, Chairman Lee visited the Philippines. This was his twelfth visit since his first in 2013.

That day, Chairman Lee kicked off the ‘2024 Shincheonji’s Bible Seminars by Continent Asia (I)’ with a visit to the Philippine International Convention Center. The lecture series will continue throughout the year in Europe, Africa, America, Oceania, and conclude again in Asia (II). The Shincheonji Church of Jesus organized this Word Seminar due to explosive responses and earnest requests from numerous pastors and believers worldwide following the ‘Shincheonji Revelation Word Seminar’.

With a lecture hall that seats 4,000 packed with people, Chairman Lee took to the stage and first introduced himself and what led him to faith. It gave an impression similar to how biblical writers would introduce their lineage and era before the main content.

According to Chairman Lee’s introduction, he was born in 1931 in Cheongdo County, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Influenced by World War II, Korea fell under Japanese colonial rule, followed by the Korean War, where he experienced the tragedy of civil warfare as soldier on the front lines. Grateful for surviving in places where not a single blade of grass could live due to relentless gunfire from both allies and enemies, he prayed to the God of heaven every evening.

Later, guided by a star (a great light), he made a covenant with God through blood and entered the path of faith. Following the star’s guidance, he practiced faith at a church with seven messengers but returned home after witnessing corruption. He then participated in the Saemaul (New Village) Movement for seven years.

Afterward, he met a spiritual being from heaven and began his faith journey anew. Initially worshipping in the mountains, he eventually drew followers with the revelation he received, leading to what is now the Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

  • “Jesus Commands the Witness of Revelation to Testify”

Chairman Lee explained the direct reason why he came to testify about the words of Revelation. He stated, “The majority of the events from chapters 1 to 22 of Revelation were shown and given to one person by Jesus.” He continued, “This one person will speak of everything he has seen and heard up to chapter 22.” He emphasized again that it was “one person who saw everything from chapters 1 to 22 of Revelation,” explaining that when these prophecies are fulfilled, it is not Jesus who testifies, but Jesus commands the witness to testify to the churches, citing Revelation 22:16 and 8. Revelation 22:16 records that Jesus sends ‘my angel’ for the churches, and verse 8 refers to ‘I, John,’ indicating the one who has seen and heard the events of the entire book of Revelation.

Chairman Lee stated, “There is a time for prophecy and a time when it will be fulfilled,” and “when it is fulfilled, we are to see and believe, which is why it was prophesied in advance.”

Chairman Lee said, “With the thought ‘I must tell all these things to everyone, not just keep it to myself,’ I traveled around the world delivering the message,” and “I testified by going around 32 times just to convey what I had seen and heard.”

  • “To Enter Heaven, One Must Verify the Fulfilled Realities and Be “

Furthermore, Chairman Lee asserted that this era is ‘the time when Revelation is being fulfilled.’

Chairman Lee declared, “The world is in a deep sleep, not knowing whether the book of Revelation from God is being fulfilled or not,” and asserted, “More than half of Revelation has already been fulfilled.”

Chairman Lee stated forcefully, “Now is not the time to say anything and simply agree with ‘Amen,'” and “You must understand the era of reality. It is the era when promises have been fulfilled.” He stressed, “Revelation includes a beast with seven heads and ten horns, and also seven stars. It’s about understanding what these actual appearances represent,” and reiterated that “when God records such people’s emergence, it is so that today the fulfilment may be seen, heard, and believed.”

Referring to Revelation 22:18-19, Chairman Lee repeatedly emphasized that one cannot enter heaven if they add to or take away from the Book of Revelation. In doing so, he awakened a sense of urgency in faith by saying, “One must know everything without subtracting. It’s difficult enough to practice even when knowing everything; without knowledge, one would lose hope.”

Chairman Lee also said that if one desires heaven and eternal life, they must go to the ends of the earth if necessary to find out whether it is a reality fulfilled according to the Bible. Chairman Lee stressed, “Faith is not for making money,” and “It’s not the time to have faith with the old mentality. One must verify. After verifying, one must decide whether to believe or not.”

He also emphasized once again that one must fully grasp Revelation and be sealed as if being stamped with a seal. Chairman Lee asked, “Why do you think it is written in Revelation 22:18-19 that one will not enter the kingdom of heaven and will be cursed if they add or subtract from it?” He answered, “It is because these words are to be fulfilled as if stamped with a seal.”

Chairman Lee stressed the importance of engraving the words in one’s heart, becoming a ‘walking Bible’ and a ‘living word.’ He mentioned that those who do so become the sealed ones spoken of in Revelation 7, who are saved. Chairman Lee declared, “There is no mention of salvation except for the sealed 144,000 and the great multitude in white; anyone who is not sealed becomes like a clump of soil, having nothing to do with it. Only those who are sealed can enter the kingdom of heaven.” He also firmly stated, “Those who are sealed can live in heaven, have eternal life, and be part of God’s family, but those who are not have no relation to God.”

To the local people, Chairman Lee frequently conveyed greetings such as “I have a deep connection with the Philippines,” “The Philippines was the first place I came to testify after receiving the word,” and “I hold affection for the Philippines.”

In fact, the Philippines has maintained a relationship with Chairman Lee for over a decade. Apart from his religious activities, as the representative of the non-governmental international organization HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light), he visited the Philippines and mediated the first civilian peace agreement in Mindanao, which had been in conflict for over 40 years. Following this, peace was established in the region, and this news received global attention.

Meanwhile, during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when borders were closed, Shincheonji Church of Jesus held an online Word Seminar and shocked religious communities worldwide.

After receiving the words of Shincheonji, numerous denominations flooded requests for exchange, leading to MOUs for word exchange with 443 domestic churches and 9,462 churches in 77 countries overseas. After the exchange of words, 1,382 churches in 38 countries abroad changed their signs to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus announced, “Due to the explosive response and earnest requests from numerous pastors and believers worldwide, we will host the ‘2024 Continental Shincheonji

Word Seminar’ starting with Asia (I) on April 20th. The Word Seminars are scheduled to take place throughout the year in Europe, Africa, America, Oceania, and Asia (II). The seminars will be live streamed in multiple languages on YouTube for anyone around the world to watch.”